
More Testimonials

Ronni is the coach successful people go to when they realize they want more out of life. "I love working with people who are optimistic, hard-working and know much more is possible-people who want to make a difference in their life and the lives they touch. If you have deep business and personal goals that seem somewhere "out there" or a nagging sense you can contribute more fully in the world she is the coach for you. A good life is good for business, too.

The goal of coaching is to awaken all that's possible-to bring out your absolute best, and chart a course to reach your full potential. Working from the inside out we go on a treasure hunt together and discover how best to align your life with your deepest values. We will discover the path to fulfill your goals and dreams as we unlock your gifts, talents and strengths.

Ronni asks you the questions you don't ask yourself as you explore new possibilities and strategies. Together you build and implement an action plan to get more of what you want and less of what you don't want. If you are stuck in your job, your relationships, or just stuck in your "story", you'll learn how to edit your narrative to find different options with better results.

Coaching is a partnership-not RENT A FRIEND, and Ronni may be the only person in your life who has your agenda as the only agenda. It's like having a personal trainer for your life and a cheering section, all in one.  She quickly turns breakdowns into breakthroughs by turning up the volume on your innate wisdom. 

Play a whole new level. Take suffering off of the menu!  You can have what you want. "I love that coaching is strength-based. There is nothing "wrong" with you that can't be retooled with what's RIGHT with you. Often, what people need is more clarity not more therapy" says Ronni. Coaching is about possibilities and practical wisdom.  Clients experience the unfolding of both the practical and the profound.

Executive coaching includes working with senior leaders to become better listeners, set clear objectives, build winning teams, and achieve results that dramatically improve the company's internal culture, reputation and profitability. Excellent communication skills are a competitive edge in business. Her coaching is to equip leaders with the insights and tools needed to bring out the best in others and achieve breakthrough success.

Join Ronni in the business of 'building a wonderful life' for yourself and watch the richly rewarding transformation as you uncover your deeper purpose and passion. When it's a good fit there is the sense, "Why didn't I do this sooner?  SIGH.

A complimentary 15-20 minute call will easily determine if there is a good fit.

It's your call.   212 874 1201.